Did I Mention ??

Did I Mention The Mayor's Coming to Officially Open " The Samee Project - Safe Space" ??

So much to do & so little time
Never mind The Mayor on the 25th - The Carpet is coming on the 5th 🙂

Samee-Project-Launch - Opened by Mayor of Bournemouth Edward J Coope

UnLtd Award Winner, the Samee Project, has opened a safe space in Bournemouth offering employment and self-employment support.

The Mayor of Bournemouth, Cllr Eddie Coope opened the centre alongside Sam Everard, CEO of the Samee Project. The new centre aims to support groups with a particular barrier to work including disability, long-term unemployment and single parents.

UnLtd - Samee Safe Space

Samee Safe Space


Samee is creating a "safe space" in Boscombe to help provide opportunities for people to find work and/or become self-employed.

Please help us turn the dream into reality - So we in turn can help others . . .

We've cut out the rot & treated the joists . . . If we can do that for just a floor, think ahead of what we can do for our clients in the future !!


Floor Crisis Averted

Floor Crisis Averted

But still lots to do - as the new carpet arrives Thursday !!!
& OMG  The Mayors Coming on the 25th 🙂


Rotten Floor or Just Rotten Luck ??

rotten floor

Well That's Sorted

Now all we have to do is build a stud wall - insulate it & run in some power for the two new laptops & software from AFCB & the printer from Hays Travel

It looks to me as the power is closer to the finishing point than I Am

Crisis - What Crisis ?