Sam said she has bent over backwards for Samee to join The Matrix . . .
I guess they are making another film . . .

Sorry – My Bad – I misunderstood . . . Sam & The Samee Team have worked really hard to get Matrix Accreditation . . . This is a Quality Standard . . . What is the Matrix Standard ? It is the international quality standard for organisations that deliver information, advice and/or guidance […]
An exciting new project called Jobs in a Box will soon teach pupils at Burton CofE Primary in Christchurch, St Joseph’s Primary in Christchurch and Amesbury CofE Primary near Salisbury about the diverse range of jobs available in the housing sector. The box, which will be full of costumes & props with role play games, […]
Significant increase in number of 16-18 year-olds not in work or school While youth unemployment figures have fallen slightly overall, those under the age of 25 are still three times less likely to be in a job or education . . . The number of 16-18 year-olds not in education, employment or training (Neet) has […]
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