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Matrix Accreditation

Matrix Accreditation

Sorry - My Bad - I misunderstood . . .

Sam & The Samee Team have worked really hard to get Matrix Accreditation . . .

This is a Quality Standard . . .


Matrix Accreditation

What is the Matrix Standard ?

It is the international quality standard for organisations that deliver information, advice and/or guidance (IAG). Either as their sole purpose or as part of their services

The Matrix Standard is the Department for Education’s (DfE) standard for ensuring the quality of the delivery of high-quality information, advice and guidance . . .

The DfE supports the Matrix Standard as the quality framework for accrediting information, advice and guidance contracts including the National Careers Service, its subcontractors and other services delivered on behalf of the Education Skills Funding Agency

It helps providers to improve their services by bench-marking against best practice and it offers accreditation to those that meet the full standard

Jobs in a Box: Dressing up with a difference

Jobs in a Box

Lea Hampton - Samee Charity Trustee - Launches new & innovative careers based project

An exciting new project called Jobs in a Box will soon teach pupils at Burton CofE Primary in Christchurch, St Joseph’s Primary in Christchurch and Amesbury CofE Primary near Salisbury about the diverse range of jobs available in the housing sector.

The box, which will be full of costumes & props with role play games, is targeted at years 2 to 6.

Read More . . .

The Careers and Enterprise Company

The Careers and Enterprise Company


We wanted to let you know that The Careers and Enterprise Company’s ‘Find an activity provider’ tool has now launched. Your application is featured on the tool which you can view here -

The Careers and Enterprise Company

Thank you again for making your application. Please do let us know if you have any questions or feedback on the launch of the tool.

We will keep you informed of any future developments of the tool.

Best wishes

The Careers and Enterprise Company

Significant increase of the number of 16-18 year-olds not in work or school

Significant increase of the number of 16-18 year-olds not in work or school

Significant increase in number of 16-18 year-olds not in work or school

While youth unemployment figures have fallen slightly overall, those under the age of 25 are still three times less likely to be in a job or education . . .

The number of 16-18 year-olds not in education, employment or training (Neet) has risen significantly in the past year, latest government statistics show.

Read More . . .


Enterprising Young People Missing Out

Enterprising Young People Missing Out

Enterprising Young People Missing Out
An exciting new project aimed at promoting self-employment as a real career option for students is being piloted in Dorset. Called the ‘Samee Project’
Read the full articles here that were published by The Institute of Employability Professionals
& Further Education News . . .

IOEE monthly news

The IOEE monthly news

So I am casually reading my emails and one comes in for the IOEE ... would you be prepared to have a chat about your project to let us know a little more about it ... yep .. I can do that .... gulp!

The reporter rings and gets me talking ... poor girl! The trouble is, when you are passionate about something, you can talk for ever ... and ever ... and ever ... I am sure her tape must have run out!
Anyway, the clever lady managed to get through my waffle, my passion and my tears to come up with a pretty amazing story .... I just wish I knew who it was about 🙂

The IOEE monthly news has just been published & The Samee Charity has had a great centrefold on pages 8/9

IOEE March 2017 Issue
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