The students from Bournemouth University have produced a great video for us . . . To help demonstrate the work that can be done, with coaching & mentoring to overcome a disability
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Category: Disability
Charity founder Sam Everard to advise government
Government to listen to Dorset woman who helps disabled people set up businesses
A Charity boss who has helped hundreds of people with disabilities to start their own business is to advise the government.
Samantha Everard runs the award-winning, Bournemouth-based SAMEE – which stands for Support and Mentoring Enabling Entrepreneurship.
She will work alongside Justin Tomlinson, minister for disabled people, health and work, in an unpaid position as the south west chair of the government’s new Regional Stakeholder Network.

Very exciting News
We have been in talks with the RNIB (Royal National Institute for the Blind) to provide training, which is great news as this is something that is one thing The Samee Project is passionate about & that is inclusion for all . . .

The Samee Charity launches new website :
DEBSS - Disabled Entrepreneurs Business Start-up Service
Institute of Employability Professionals
Institute of Employability Professionals

Institute of Employability Professionals
- Creating a more inclusive world
- Blind and Partially Sighted Advice
- Individual assessments blind people
- Sign language advice
- Disfigurement & the workplace